Saturday 24 April 2010

Just paused for awhile...

Last night... I just couldn't get myself to think of anything but things that I've been through in these last 14 months. Just paused for awhile...

So many things have changed.

I love my life for whatever it is... :)

It all started when I had lazy-boring lunch at my office and surfed the internet. I came across the web, telling me about a super-side job. There was a point where I honestly believed that being an employee was the safest job ever, that could guarantee my monthly income so I wouldn't have to breathe heavily, hehe...
But, I understood that it wouldn't be able to afford my high expectation of life. I wanted more than just monthly income.. I wanted a finacial freedom. I had joined a couple of M*LM businesses before, but they never came up with any good result
s and it just seemed to take forever to reach my goals until I ended up with a phrase 'Emang bener... M*LM sama dengan Masuk Langsung M*dar' :p
Their pricey products were definitely uneasy to sell, their complicated system and being totally offline made it hard to get prospects.
They were demanding more of my time being at the fields for prospecting, while in my impossible office time, not allowing me to slack off (haha, lebay!), if I may say. There it went... I gave it up.

Yes.. As I told you, it all started when I came accross this web, d'BC Network. Damn! It's such a dream facilitator, as Kirk said ;)
I'm not gonna promoting it... I'm just wanting to write about all things stuffed in my head right now. For whatever things swirling in between my ears and get me moving now. My life.. my hope.

You see, I used to just dream... But that was all! It's now turning to be like a tattoo on my forehead, that will stay forever until I get it lasered or sumthing, hihi.. :D

Well... Just wanna let you know that I've transformed to a brand new person with new hopes for me and my family. I'm telling you my goal is not too high, but yes it is high and I'm gonna make it :)

Hope... Expectation... Dreams... It's the way you package everything that you've hearted to, you've expected and you'd go for into strings of processes that would result wonderful things to your life :)

A Day With Kirk Rector

Tanggal 23 April kemaren Oriflame ngadain Training SARPIO or just call it Director’s School untuk para SMs up dengan mendatangkan trainer dari Amerika, Kirk Rector. Gilak! Meskipun umurnya udah 62 tahun, tapi eyang kakung satu ini masih terlihat energik membawakan materi presentasi, yang bikin kepala kita panas dan kuping berasap, hehe.

Beliau mengajarkan kita how to coach our team instead of driving them, how to be a good leader not boss, how to have a winning attitude, that we have to be always hungry to reach our dreams, how to be a dream facilitator and how to accept NO’s.

Hmm… Kepanjangan kalo saya share disini semua, hihi. Intinya sih, we learned a lot from his class ;)

Yeahh… Gak salah daahh saya udah mutusin totally drowned di Oriflame :)

Mau dapet ilmu ala eyang Kirk jugak? Gabung kita dulu yaaa…. ;)

Friday 16 April 2010

Mimpi Ajah... Mumpung GRATIS! Grin :D

Semua orang punya mimpi... semua orang berhak punya mimpi, wong mimpi itu gratis jeh! Tapi gak semua orang berani bermimpi.

Kenapa nggak berani?

Hmmm.. Menurut analisa saya sih (halagh!), biasanya karena mereka terlalu 'sok nyaman' dengan keadaannya sekarang. Kek misalnya liat orang pake mobil bagus "Wooow! Kapan yaa gue bisa punya mobil kaya gitu?" atau kalo liat temennya jalan-jalan ke luar negeri mulu "Woow! (lagi) enak yah travelling terus". Tapiiii... Ya gitu deeh, cuma "WOW" doang tapi nggak tau caranya untuk berhenti "WOW" dan take action.
Ujung-ujungnya jadi berpikir "Mimpi kali yeee... Mana bisa gue begituh! Udahlaah.. Gue emang begini apa adanya"
Padahal dengan "WOW"nya itu bukankah dibawah sadarnya dia juga pengeeen? Hehe.. (Curcol dikiiiit Tongue Out)

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Yesss... That quote is absolutely right! For me at least, hehehe...

Oke, bukan berarti berani bermimpi itu ngajarin kita untuk gak bersyukur dengan apa yang kita punya saat ini kooo... Kalo dengan berani bermimpi membuat kita lebih terpacu untuk melakukan sesuatu gak ada salahnya toh? Membuat kita menjadi manusia yang lebih produktif laah bahasa kerennyah wink grin

Bisa memberikan pendidikan terbaik untuk anak
Bisa bantu-bantu orang tua
Bisa beramal tanpa nyenggol uang dapur
Bisa jajan-jajan tanpa nodong suami (yang ini pilihan, hihi)
Bisa..... BANYAK!

Beruntung saya termasuk orang yang dikenalin sama bisnis
So now I know how to make it come true insyaAllah. In Oriflame way..

So, kenapa masih takut bermimpi? Mimpi ajah!... Mumpung masih gratis Grin :D